Marci Koifman
Phone: 416-739-7200
Mobile: 416.450.4159
Marci is a real estate broker with a passion for her work. She spends her time working with both sellers and buyers in many neighbourhoods of Toronto. Through her dedicated work, thorough professionalism and skilled negotiations she has earned many awards given to the top producing agents across Canada. When marketing listings she employs methods far beyond MLS to give properties maximum exposure to ensure the highest sale price possible. Buyer’s also receive special treatment. Marci will door knock, cold call, send flyers, network, use social media and other unique tools to enable buyers to find the perfect house at the right price. Utilizing a large network of service providers including mortgage specialists, home inspectors, contractors, stagers, plumbers, electricians and lawyers, Marci always has the right contacts available to help.
This website has been created with you in mind. It will be updated often with news you can use in your daily life. When you or someone you know is thinking of making a move, please contact Marci. It could be your best move!